
Friday, April 16, 2010

Mistik Tok Mat II

Mersing - Suatu Ketika Dahulu, semasa saya berusia satu hingga lima tahun..

Sebenarnya Tok Mat pernah juga menolong ayah sebelum peristiwa kaki saya cedera tersebut. Kali pertama Tok Mat membantu ayah adalah ketika ayah baru sahaja berkenalan dengan beliau. Kami sekeluarga baru sekali sahaja bertandang ke rumah Tok Mat. Pada ketika itu saya demam panas. Mungkin kerana saya masih kecil dan kerap berjalan jauh bersama ibu dan ayah iaitu pulang ke kampung halaman di Johor Bahru, dan selalu pula mengikut mereka berdua berjalan di malam hari ke funfair, saya keletihan dan terkena demam dengan suhu yang agak tinggi juga.

Saya telah meracau-racau, dan mula sawan hingga anak mata tidak kelihatan dan bibir terkatup rapat. Ibu saya telah melakukan sesuatu yang mungkin menyelamatkan nyawa saya iaitu menyelitkan sudu di celah bibir saya dan membolehkan udara masuk melalui rongga mulut saya, lantas sawan pun berkurangan tetapi saya seolah-olah tidak sedarkan diri. Ayah mulai panik dan mengangkat saya di dalam kendongannya lantas berjalan keluar bersendirian menuju ke jalan besar. Ayah telah menahan kereta yang lalu, dan meminta bantuan untuk menghantar kami ke klinik yang terdekat. Tiba-tiba di pertengahan jalan, ayah telah berubah fikiran dan meminta pemandu tersebut membelok dan menghantar kami ke rumah Tok Mat, kerana hari masih awal pagi dan klinik tentunya belum dibuka. Setibanya di rumah Tok Mat, beliau sedang memberi ayam makan di luar rumah. Ayah terus menerkamnya dan menyerahkan saya kepada Tok Mat. “Pak Mat, tolong saya, saya tak tahu apa nak buat. Tengoklah anak saya ni..”

Tok Mat pun mengendung saya dan membawa saya agak jauh sedikit dari ayah. Beliau mengeluarkan sesuatu dari koceknya, dipercayai batu permata ‘buntat rimau’ dan melumurkan batu tersebut di mulut saya sambil mulutnya sendiri terkumat-kamit membacakan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran. Serentak itu saya menangis dan muka pun merah serta bernafas kembali. Saya pulih sepenuhnya, dan jarang demam lagi selepas itu. Kata ayah, dia tidak pernah dan tidak akan percaya dengan pengamal ilmu alternatif lain kecuali Tok Mat.

Tok Mat menjadi keluarga terdekat sepanjang kami di Mersing. Tok Mat sentiasa menyediakan air Milo untuk saya apabila saya berkunjung ke rumahnya. Ketika saya sudah besar dan telah kembali ke Johor Bahru, Tok Mat berangkat menunaikan Haji di Mekah dan beliau telah meninggal dunia serta dikebumikan di sana. Inalillahi wainalillahi rajiun..

Mistik Tok Mat I

Mersing - Suatu ketika dahulu, semasa saya berusia satu hingga lima tahun..

Saya ni memang ibarat alim-alim kucing, nampak diam tetapi sebenarnya dalam kepala saya ni sentiasa merancang dan memikirkan sesuatu. Air tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya..Dalam diam-diam, saya suka buat kerja panjat-memanjat.

Pada suatu hari saya rasa begitu teruja untuk memanjat naik ke atas singki kegemaran ibu saya. Apabila ibu sibuk di dalam bilik, saya pun naik ke atas singki dan kemudian terjun semula ke bawah. Kelempung! Saya jatuh dan terseliuh kaki..aduh sakitnya sehingga tak boleh berjalan. Ibu pun kelam-kabut ke kedai untuk menelefon ayah di pejabat. Ayah pulang serta-merta dan terus membawa saya ke hospital. Kaki saya dibubuh ubat dan dibalut. Selepas seminggu sepatutnya saya sudah boleh kembali normal dan berjalan semula, tetapi oleh kerana kedegilan dan mungkin serik merasa sakit apabila memijakkan kaki, saya masih tidak mahu berjalan selepas sebulan terseliuh kaki. Ayah mula pening kepala, saya diupah bawa balik bercuti ke Johor Bahru, Datuk dan Nenek kedua belah juga datang melawat tetapi saya masih juga belum mahu berjalan semula. Akhirnya ayah bosan dan membiarkan saja saya berdukung ke sana ke mari. Ianya berlarutan sehingga lebih dari sebulan.

Pada suatu subuh yang gelap, tiba-tiba pintu rumah diketuk dan salam diberi. Tok Mat terpacak di depan pintu, dan minta agar ayah mengambil saya dan memberikan kepadanya untuk dijampi serapah. Tok Mat telah membawa saya ke laman, menyapu ‘buntat rimau’ di kaki saya sambil membaca beberapa ayat suci Al-Quran. Kemudian dia menyerahkan kembali saya yang masih tidur kepada ibu saya dan minta diri untuk berangkat pulang. Ayah berdiri tercegat dan tercengang-cengang dengan gelagat Tok Mat.

Tok Mat adalah pegawai kastam yang menjadi bapa angkat ayah semasa kami di Mersing. Di waktu lapang, kami sekeluarga selalu ke rumah beliau dan saya dianggap cucu angkatnya. Ayah pernah memberitahu Tok Mat tentang kerisauannya apabila saya tidak mahu berjalan semula. Tok Mat sekadar berkata, “Nanti aku tengokkan..” Tiba-tiba beliau muncul tanpa undangan di waktu yang paling tidak disangka-sangka. Menurut kata orang, Tok Mat sebenarnya pandai mengubat orang tetapi tidak mahu mengaku dirinya bomoh. Tok Mat rajin berburu dan pernah terserempak dengan harimau yang memuntahkan sebutir batu permata dipanggil ‘buntat rimau’, sebelum harimau itu masuk mandi ke dalam sungai. Tok Mat percaya batu permata ‘buntat rimau’ tersebut sebagai ada khasiat dan menggunakannya untuk mengubat orang yang rapat dengannya sahaja. Ayah sebagai seorang yang sangat open-minded dan Americanised, enggan mempercayai perkara-perkara mistik seperti ini.

Walaubagaimanapun, tengahari itu saya bangun dari tidur dan menjerit, “Mak! Dah boleh jalan, tak sakit pun!” Ibu terlalu gembira lantas menelefon ayah di pejabat, ayah terus mengambil cuti dan pulang segera ke rumah serta menimang-nimang saya penuh kegembiraan. Malamnya kami sekeluarga ke rumah Tok Mat untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepadanya.

..bersambung ke Mistik Tok Mat II.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Army Truck - Encounter with Ghost..The Fourth Time..

I was in my second year when it happened. This time I was staying at a different hostel, Desasiswa Cahaya or Desa C, just next to Desasiswa Permai. But the occurrence did not happened there. It happened one night when my best friend and I were walking back to our hostel. We had just finished some work at our studio, it was actually early morning around 4.00 am, and was drizzling. We walked together in the rain under one umbrella. My friend and I were feeling extra scared that morning. We tried to walk fast but it was too dark.

Suddenly an army truck passed by and then stopped. It was quite normal for an army truck to go in and out of our campus, since there is a ROTU centre in the campus. I myself was once a ROTU but had to drop-out of it due to my packed schedule. The person next to the driver waved his hand signalling us to get into the back of the truck. We looked at each other, we thought why not, but how do we climb up the truck, it was quite high. Surprisingly both the army did not get out to open the back of the truck and help us to climb up. That was quite unbelievable, but we decided to climb up the truck no matter what. So I helped to push up my friend and then she pulled me up. Yippee! We finally managed to climb up, and the army immediately drove off heading towards our hostel. We almost fell off from our seat. We were quite shocked to find that they seemed to know the way without us telling and showing. So we asked them whether they know where they should send us. They suddenly said in stern voices, “Kami tahu, ni tempat kami main-main. (We know, this is our playground.)” We quickly got down and they drove off.

When we reached our hostel block, a group of girls were still up studying together at the lobby lounge. So they asked us where we had been and why we were so brave to walk in that kind of weather at that particular time. We told them that we were sent back by an army truck from the ROTU unit. One of the girls’ eyes almost popped out of their sockets the moment we told them of the ROTU army truck. She was a senior and a ROTU herself, and to her knowledge NO trucks will be moving in and out of campus after office hours. There were no reasons for them to do so and any vehicle movement must be recorded. So to clarify the matter, she said she will check with the ROTU office the next day. The answer was as expected, no army trucks were around at all at that time and no record of any movement of any vehicle. The ROTU office was closed after office hours on that particular day.

My friend and I must have met with two ‘friendly ghosts’ who ‘drove’ us back safely. Just in a bid to console myself, I suddenly remembered being told that the campus was once upon a time, a battleground and an army camp.

The Permai Ghost - Encounter with Ghost..The Third Time..

This time I was already in a university up north of Malaysia. It happened when I was in my first year. I was among the lucky ones to be sent to the newest hostel in campus, the Desasiswa Permai, in short Desa E. And to top it all, I got a room at the top floor and the very last room at the end of the corridor. There were only two rooms on the floor and next to my room was the toilet inclusive of the laundry sinks. A few steps below were the next level, the hostel was designed with split levels all over its building.

My room mate was an Eurasian girl, Rachel. She is one of the nicest person I have ever met in my journey. She was from PJ, so she went home most of the weekends and semester breaks. As for me, sometimes I had to stay back at the hostel during semester breaks because I did not have enough money to go anywhere, and because of the nature of my assignments. There were a few other girls around but they were on the other levels. Once I was the only one who stayed back on the top most floor. I normally slept with the littlest light that came from my study table.

One night, as I was sleeping alone, I suddenly felt my bed shaking. I thought I was dreaming, so I sat on my bed and waited for awhile before resuming my sleep again. I was sure I was already wide awake, when the bed was shaken again. I looked around and I could see it was actually shaking. Then it stopped and transferred to the door. The door knob was then shaking as if someone was outside and trying to open it. I was so scared, but at the same time angry, I wanted to end the torturous moment. I suddenly became brave, got up from my bed, went to the door and opened it. Tadaa..nobody was outside. I walked a few steps into the corridor to check if anybody was trying to play a trick on me, but there was none.

As I was about to re-enter my room, the door knob of the room opposite mine was shaking, as if someone was trying to open it from inside of the room. I was nearly mad at that time, I went to hold the knob and shake it myself. It kept on shaking until I got fade-up and went back into my own room. I locked my door, put a chair, got on my bed and read some surahs from the Quran. Then I went back to sleep with all the lights on till the next day. Nothing happened. I won.

But the disturbances did not stopped there..

Another time it happened when my room-mate was around, and in broad daylight. I was sleeping as I had just submitted a project and had not been sleeping the previous night. In my sleep, I dreamt a big black hairy thing was on top of me and I almost could not breath and move. Then I realised I was already awaken and I could see Rachel standing in the room. I could feel the big black hairy thing on top of me, I tried to recite the Ayatul Qursi, it went so slow, I thought I must have taken around twenty minutes to complete it. I struggled with the recitation but managed to complete it and the Thing disappeared the moment I finished the last sentence of the Qursi.

On other nights, I sometimes heard a very high-pitched scream on the roof-top, and dreamt of some of the worst dreams in my life, ever. It happened to Rachel too, until she sometimes did not want to come back to the room, and became a squatter at her best friend`s room downstairs. Once I simply fell down in the room and broke my arm, for nothing, the doctor refused to believe me. Rachel also got into a freak motor-cycle accident, where the rider was not injured at all, while she was seriously injured on her knees and could not walk up the stairs for months. So she had to stay at another room downstairs for quite some time, leaving me all alone to survive in the room. Well I managed to get through it all for one complete year and came out alive and kicking!